Diane R. Wiener

  • Research Professor and Associate Director
  • Office of Interdisciplinary Programs and Outreach, Burton Blatt Institute, Syracuse University College of Law

Diane is a Research Professor and the Associate Director of Interdisciplinary Programs and Outreach at the Burton Blatt Institute (BBI) at the Syracuse University College of Law.

Effective 2020, Diane will become the Editor-in-Chief of Wordgathering: A Journal of Disability Poetry and Literature, as the journal transitions—during the final quarter of 2019–to its new home at Syracuse University, through a partnership between Michael Northen (Founding Editor-in-Chief 2007 to 2019); BBI’s Office of Interdisciplinary Programs and Outreach; and the phenomenal team at the Syracuse University Libraries.

In fall 2019, Diane was the Guest Editor for Nine Mile Magazine’s Special Double Issue on Neurodivergent, Disability, Deaf, Mad, and Crip Poetics; Diane was also recently appointed as Assistant Editor of the magazine.