Because THATCamp CNY 2019 is an unconference, planning the content of the conference falls to all of us.
You are invited to use the THATCamp 2019 site to propose sessions in the categories of Talk / Make / Teach / Play: In a Talk session proposal, you offer to lead a group discussion on a topic or question of interest to you. In a Make session proposal, you offer to lead a small group in a hands-on collaborative working session with the aim of producing a draft document or piece of software. In a Teach session, you offer to teach a skill, either a “hard” skill or a “soft” skill. In a Play session, anything goes — you suggest literally playing a game, or playing around as a group with one or more technologies, or just doing something fun or original.
The preliminary schedule for the day accounts for sessions of 45 minutes to an hour, but we can accommodate longer sessions if the topic warrants.
In order to post a proposal you need to register for the event (which is free).
More details about the proposal process can be found on the propose page. If you run into any problems, send THATCamp organizer Patrick Williams () an email for help.