General – CNY THATCamp 2019 At Syracuse University, Friday, October 25 Tue, 05 Nov 2019 18:47:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 THATCamp Followup Tue, 05 Nov 2019 18:47:24 +0000


Katherine (Kate) Deibel

Inclusion & Accessibility Librarian

Syracuse University Libraries


Web Accessibility Testing Anyone Can Perform: Keyboard Access


Interactive Digital Writing


Patrick Williams

Librarian for Literature, Rhetoric, and Digital Humanities

Syracuse University Libraries


Simple Tools for Interactive Digital Writing


Minimal Computing


Adam DJ Brett

PhD Candidate, Syracuse University


Minimal Computing Resource List


Micro-volunteering Platforms


Amy E. Gay

Digital Scholarship Librarian

Binghamton University Libraries


Open Opportunities

Open Opportunities, Open Source Code on Github


Open Access Session


Amanda Page

Open Publishing and Copyright Librarian

Syracuse University Libraries


Public: A Journal of Imagining America


Wordgathering: A Journal of Disability Poetry and Literature




Excelsior: Leadership in Teaching and Learning


Public Knowledge Project


Directory of Open Access Journals 


Budapest Open Access Initiative


Open Publishing Services, Syracuse University Libraries


Invest in Open Infrastructure


Open Journal Systems 


Think. Check. Submit.


Measuring Indicators of Quality Open Access


Incorporating #minicomp best practices into DH Fri, 25 Oct 2019 00:58:42 +0000

Digital Humanities projects are fantastic and quite versatile but they are often severely limited due to being inaccessible and/or from requiring far too much computing power. I would like all of to take time to consider the GO::DH minimal computing (#minicomp) guidelines and how they can be implemented and integrated into existing and future digital humanities projects along with the guidelines of the #a11y project. Ensuring that our digital humanities projects and assignments are accessible to all is to me a critical aspect of digital humanities. Along with GO::DH #minicomp and #a11y project if there is time I think it would be great to discuss ways to begin DH projects with the end in mind and how to keep them online after the project has concluded or the researcher(s) have moved institutions and/or platforms.


PS If anyone would like to practice/play making a minicomp site that would also be wonderful.


Updated: What is #minicomp resources.

See you Friday! Thu, 24 Oct 2019 08:54:38 +0000

I’m really excited for our event coming up on Friday. I just wanted to put in a final prompt/reminder about proposing sessions. As you can see, several of our co-campers have written up proposals that cover a wide variety of approaches and topics. We’d love to see a few more going in to the event so people have a chance to think about how they want to spend the day. As you can see, ideas can be a general discussion you’d like to engage in, or a hands on demonstration/workshop on a tool you’ve learned, or a more playful exploration of a game or technology. Both of our rooms have AV/presentation support.

We will also leave room for last-minute ideas for our newest registrants the morning of, but we’ll be moving quickly to assemble the schedule so as much information as we see in advance will speed that process along so we can get to learning together. In order to login and post to WordPress, go here: You should be able to start a post from the dashboard.

Wifi information: Guests to Syracuse may use the AirOrangeGuest network to connect. We’ll have printed instructions for you Friday.

One last thing I forgot to mention is: feel free to recycle a nametag/lanyard from a previous conference!

Strengths and Needs of our Institutions – How can we build cross-collaborations and a community of practice (Talk Session) Wed, 23 Oct 2019 18:38:35 +0000

This talk session would be a time to discuss how Digital Humanities / Scholarship plays a role at our institutions, sharing what is going well and also what challenges / gaps are impacting growth, scaling, sustainability, etc. The goal would be to learn more about how we can help each other (based on comparing the strengths and challenges institutions are facing) and a potential way to communicate with each other when needs for others’ assistance / expertise arise (maybe research some free tools to use for this). Depending on where the conversation goes, maybe end with a speed networking activity where we share current projects that could be strengthened if cross-collaborations could take place.

HistoryForge Workshop Wed, 23 Oct 2019 01:54:31 +0000

HistoryForge is an open-source program being developed by The History Center in Tompkins County that combines historic maps, data from the US Census, archival and user-generated content to allow users to engage with local history in unique ways.

We propose a workshop in which we will lead participants in an exploration of the program and its capabilities as well as what it takes to create an engaging digital public history project

Some of the topics we can discuss include:

Building the HistoryForge database:

-Fun with the census!  Transcribing and standardizing census data

-Playing with historic maps! Geo-rectifying historic maps and/or using maps to verify census data

Using HistoryForge:

-Scavenger hunt! Searching and finding historic data on HistoryForge

-More fun with maps! See the results of your search visually displayed on map layers

Please come with questions and ideas!

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Mark Your Calendar! THATCampCNY, October 25, 2019 Tue, 13 Aug 2019 15:10:42 +0000

We’re continuing the tradition of THATCamps in Central New York (as in 2014, 2016, 2017), and 2018 (in Rochester)!

Mark your calendars for October 25th, 2019, when we’ll be holding a THATCamp in Bird Library on the campus of Syracuse University.

More details to follow soon! Registration will open during the second week of September. Submit your email address here to be automatically updated when registration opens and with further developments.
