Session: Talk – CNY THATCamp 2019 At Syracuse University, Friday, October 25 Tue, 05 Nov 2019 18:47:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Incorporating #minicomp best practices into DH Fri, 25 Oct 2019 00:58:42 +0000

Digital Humanities projects are fantastic and quite versatile but they are often severely limited due to being inaccessible and/or from requiring far too much computing power. I would like all of to take time to consider the GO::DH minimal computing (#minicomp) guidelines and how they can be implemented and integrated into existing and future digital humanities projects along with the guidelines of the #a11y project. Ensuring that our digital humanities projects and assignments are accessible to all is to me a critical aspect of digital humanities. Along with GO::DH #minicomp and #a11y project if there is time I think it would be great to discuss ways to begin DH projects with the end in mind and how to keep them online after the project has concluded or the researcher(s) have moved institutions and/or platforms.


PS If anyone would like to practice/play making a minicomp site that would also be wonderful.


Updated: What is #minicomp resources.

Tips and tricks session (or life hacks) Wed, 23 Oct 2019 21:19:12 +0000

In my travels I seem to discover cool, interesting little tips (and sometimes they show up a couple of times in different places). This could be anything…..academic, Microsoft office short cut, cooking recipe, etc.  Let’s share these with each other.

I’m attaching the quickie powerpoint I created for the session, including tips from the group.

Tips and Tricks (Life Hacks)

Strengths and Needs of our Institutions – How can we build cross-collaborations and a community of practice (Talk Session) Wed, 23 Oct 2019 18:38:35 +0000

This talk session would be a time to discuss how Digital Humanities / Scholarship plays a role at our institutions, sharing what is going well and also what challenges / gaps are impacting growth, scaling, sustainability, etc. The goal would be to learn more about how we can help each other (based on comparing the strengths and challenges institutions are facing) and a potential way to communicate with each other when needs for others’ assistance / expertise arise (maybe research some free tools to use for this). Depending on where the conversation goes, maybe end with a speed networking activity where we share current projects that could be strengthened if cross-collaborations could take place.

Listen, Talk, Discuss: Panel session on Open for Whom: A conversation with editors of Open Access Journals Fri, 18 Oct 2019 15:20:32 +0000

Our beautiful world is ever changing, and ever staying the same. Many years have passed since the BOAI formally defined Open Access in the BOAI (Budapest Open Access Initiative), 2002, though the heart of the matter stands strong:

“Open Access (OA) literature is digital, online, free of charge, and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions. What makes it possible is the internet and the consent of the author or copyright-holder. OA is entirely compatible with peer review, and all the major OA initiatives for scientific and scholarly literature insist on its importance. Just as authors of journal articles donate their labor, so do most journal editors and referees participating in peer review.”-Suber, Peter.

Open Access Week, an international week in support of Open Access, Open Educational Resources, OA publishing, and other scholarly communications endeavors, is the third week of October, every year and October 21-27, 2019. SPARC,, a national advocacy organization on Open Access lends support.

This year’s theme is Open For Whom? Equity for Open Knowledge?

Everyday discourse at Syracuse University often considers many conversation topics around diversity, inclusion, scholarship, research, and teaching. This talk session will consist of a panel discussion with faculty and staff who participate in open access publishing workflows. We will discuss topics and consider themes of equity, openness, and open knowledge.

Panel Participants will include Syracuse University faculty and staff affiliates (who are editors of open access journals) Wordgathering: A Journal of Disability Poetry and Literature: and also Public: a Journal of Imagining America, which is a multimedia design journal.

Amanda Page, Open Publishing and Copyright Librarian, will moderate and guide this discussion.

ThatCamp participants will also be encouraged to participate in our conversation and discuss conversation topics and questions. Example questions include: What is equity in openness? Why publish Open Access? Open For Whom?




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